Belle and Boo Windy Day Progress and Links Roundup

I managed to do a fair amount of stitching this past week which makes me happy because I feel like I’m getting back into the groove of stitching as a habit again. I lost my desire–and even ability, during some stretches–to stitch for a couple years, so stitching again makes me happy because it feels like a return to normalcy. And, couldn’t we all use a bit of normalcy in our lives right now?

Spring semester starts this week, so I hope I don’t get so busy that my hobbies don’t languish again until summer. Keeping my fingers crossed for now.

But, I made some real progress on the Belle and Boo “Windy Day” cross-stitch pattern. Pardon all the fold marks in the fabric. You can see how I abuse my projects while stitching, lol.

Belle and Boo Windy Day stitching progress

I finished Boo the rabbit, including all the backstitching. Then I started on the leaves blowing in front of the figures. I will likely finish those off, including backstitching, and then finish Belle last. Most of the backstitch details in the piece are in Belle’s hat and hair, so I may start with her boots and work my way up, leaving the most difficult bits for last.

I’m excited because I started this project 2 1/2 years ago, and the end is finally in sight!

Links Roundup

I haven’t done a links roundup in a long time, so here are a few things I found interesting recently:

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9 Responses to Belle and Boo Windy Day Progress and Links Roundup

  1. averyclaire says:

    Love this piece. Glad you are feeling up to normalcy again! You have had some difficult challenges!

  2. Christina says:

    Boo is so cute! Backstitching just brings it to life 💜

  3. kathyreeves says:

    Glad things are getting back to some normalcy for you. I love this picture, it is so sweet, and has amazing movement in it.

  4. claire93 says:

    Boo and Belle are looking lovely – amazing what a bit of backstitch does ^^

  5. Needles, Floss, & Applesauce says:

    Looks lovely so far. Can’t wait to see finished project. I have a Bella & Boo cross-stitch that I’ll be working on next. It’s the one with Bella swinging from a tree. Super cute.

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