What I’m Reading–February 2017

Every month I share what books I finished last month and what I’m reading now. I also love to hear what others are reading. Please share your own book recommendations in the comments.

what I'm reading February 2017

My reading has slowed down this past month as I focused on completing and releasing my Julian of Norwich “All Shall Be Well” cross-stitch pattern. I only finished two books in January, but they were both good ones!

Finished in January 2017

  • Living Buddha, Living Christ by Thich Nhat Hahn. This is a modern classic of interfaith dialogue. The importance of finding common ground and treating others with respect and compassion despite different belief systems is relevant now more than ever.
  • 99 Stories of God by Joy Williams. Hard to describe this collection of short stories. This is the kind of book I want to put in everyone’s hands even though I know it’s not for everyone’s tastes. One of those rare books you know you will return to over and over again.

What I’m Reading Now

  • The Introvert Entrepreneur by Beth Buelow. I’m an introvert all the way, so I picked up this book for tips on how to get stuff done and still take care of myself.
  • To Bless the Space Between Us by John O’Donohue. This is the February book for my church’s book club. I’m really looking forward to reading this collection of poems.
  • The Holy Thief by Ellis Peters. Yes, I am picking up Cadfael again. I’m going to finish this series, darn it!


What are you reading? Tell me in the comments or friend me on Goodreads!

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2 Responses to What I’m Reading–February 2017

  1. Emma says:

    I friended you :) only ‘discovered’ Goodreads last month but it’s pretty awesome!

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