Friday Finds–04/13/18

Feeling under the weather today. Stayed home from work and spent half the day napping. Last night I put together the final PDF of my first new cross-stitch pattern in many months. It’s the first of a series, and I can’t wait to share it.

Spring is coming slowly. Today was warm, but now the temperature is dropping, the rain is moving in, and parts of the Chicago area may see snow this weekend, although it likely won’t stick. In the meantime, the daylilies are starting to come up, but the tulips have been re-frozen so many times, I don’t know if we’ll see any flowers.

But, let’s get down to business. Friday Finds is my weekly round-up of book, art, embroidery, and textile news from around the web.


Here are this week’s links:


Video of the Week

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. We need to support the arts in our schools.


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