Current WIP, Friday Finds, and More!

The spring semester ended on May 12 with final grades due May 15. Teaching two sections of Art Appreciation while also working a full-time librarian job really kicked my butt, but I’m so glad I did it. I LOVED teaching the class, and I can’t wait to do it again in the fall. I am also teaching Art History I in the fall, and I have already put a draft of my syllabus together and have started working on course materials for that class.

I have so many ideas about what to do! I am trying to incorporate active learning activities into the course, which is completely different from the way I learned art history in college, which was the then-typical “art in the dark” lecture classes. But, now I am developing in-class discussions, writing assignments, group activities, and more. So, I am keeping busy this summer.

But, I am also making sure I get plenty of downtime, and I have been stitching this “Fear Not” pattern from Little House Needleworks:


I was gifted this pattern a year or so ago along with all of the variegated threads by a very kind lady I met through Instagram.

Here is my progress so far:

Fear Not cross-stitch pattern by Little House Needleworks

It has been a nice, low-stress stitch. I’ve been working on it while I binge-watch Supernatural on Netflix. I’ve started with the first season. We’ll see how far I get.

I haven’t done a “Friday Finds” in a awhile, so here are a few things worth sharing this week:


Video of the Week

This brought a smile to my face.


Have a great weekend, and happy stitching!

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6 Responses to Current WIP, Friday Finds, and More!

  1. kathyreeves says:

    Glad to see you back, your summer sounds busy but in a good way!

  2. Catherine says:

    It sounds like you’ve really had your hands full! But in a great way, it great to hear the teaching went so well.

  3. Emma says:

    How exciting that you get to teach again in the fall! You must be so busy though, but I personally find that teaching is one of my favourite things, it’s just so rewarding! and how cute is that design 😊

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